charming. #poetry

You’re a charmer
And you know it
Mister romance
Master of hearts
You know the ways
To make me blush
You whisper words
Stirring my insides
And you tease me
With those damn eyes
Making me confess
My every want
Every desire
But you don’t need
Me to tell you
A single thing
You already know
My every thought
Before I speak
Even one word
And the moment
Your lips touch mine
I always give in
Because you, love
I can’t resist
Because you, love
Are a charmer

©2018 what sandra thinks

About what sandra thinks

Sandra is a writer, sometimes blogger, poet, artist, emotional disaster. She thinks far too much and sleeps far too little. Sandra lives in the Northeastern U.S. but dreams of an oceanfront home in Italy, but she would settle for a non-oceanfront home in Italy. She loves books, brutal honesty, coffee, and the color black. She hates insincerity, beer, whipped cream, and facebook. And she is uncomfortable talking about herself in the third person.
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46 Responses to charming. #poetry

  1. Simon says:

    He’s got you charmed Sandra!
    How have you been!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. magarisa says:

    Ah yes … one of those. Irresistible, no matter how strong I think I am. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Kinda scary knowing you can’t resist. I know the feeling. 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  4. The eyes always get my attention. Go with it. LOL! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. gigglingfattie says:

    gah…I know one of those….*angry sideways shade*

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Marquessa says:

    Yummy yum yum…

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Ogden Fahey says:

    Well thanks for noticing me! 😀 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  8. ShadedPoetry says:

    I’m not sure if it was intentional or not but this is brilliant nonetheless. The third and forth line from the bottom;
    “Because you, love
    I can’t resist”

    I immediately saw the “I Love You” when you read it backwards. Brilliant, I love the piece.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. NJ says:

    Beautiful 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  10. …and here was me thinking this was about me… until I read past the first line… ahahaha😂😂

    This is fantastic, wonderfully dreamy desire. Everyone deserves to swoon over their own charmer holds them speechless. Brilliant piece ♥

    Liked by 1 person

    • Haha… cute. 😀 Of course it’s about you. (I should say that, right?) You’re the second to say something like that about this. 😀 Seriously, though… I’ve had a few of these charmers in my life… often, they’re also heartbreakers but I could never resist anyway… nor did I want to. I’ve taken a lot of chances…


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