fairytale: a limerick.

sad princess.

All my life I’ve dreamt of a fairytale
Where love and romance above all prevail
The world says there’s no such thing
No prince or princess no queen or king
So in my fiction I write every perfect detail…

wave short line

Written for Mind and Life Matters limerick poetry challenge – prompt: fairytale
© 2016 what sandra thinks

About what sandra thinks

Sandra is a writer, sometimes blogger, poet, artist, emotional disaster. She thinks far too much and sleeps far too little. Sandra lives in the Northeastern U.S. but dreams of an oceanfront home in Italy, but she would settle for a non-oceanfront home in Italy. She loves books, brutal honesty, coffee, and the color black. She hates insincerity, beer, whipped cream, and facebook. And she is uncomfortable talking about herself in the third person.
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14 Responses to fairytale: a limerick.

  1. Kay says:

    Lovely, Sandra.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. VictoryInTrouble says:

    Yes. Sometimes we have to write what we wish was true.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Sara says:

    Its lovely Sandra!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. That’s why we love fiction, we can create our own fairytale! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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