the burden.

I have had a long enough history with anxiety and depression to know the routine. Of course, it is not supposed to be a routine. I am supposed to be able to break out of the circle. And I do… at times. But that circle holds a super-strength magnet at its center and I’m Iron Lady (no relation to Iron Man). Though I may succeed in veering from the path, nearly escaping the dreaded circle, the magnet always sucks me back in. And I have to start all over. I have prepared a handy graphic to illustrate:
handy graphic.
While I’m on the golden arrow path, I’m feeling good, strong, motivated. It can lasts for days… for weeks… but sometimes, for mere hours. This is not a choose-your-adventure story. There is no choosing. At any time, I may wake up on the golden path. Or I may find myself wandering on the circle, around and around with seemingly no end. Or I may have been on the golden path… and boom!… transported to the red arrow path careening back to the damn circle. It is the most fucking random, scary, unexplainable phenomenon I’ve had the displeasure of experiencing in my life.

Thankfully, I have not found myself inside the circle, floating dangerously close to the magnet itself. I fear that would be the end. Of my sanity. But I have also never made it all the way to the outer yellow circle of sunshine, where everything isn’t perfect, maybe not even close, but where one can handle things without having a meltdown. So… either chemistry is failing me, at least in part, or my brain just doesn’t go there. I’m not sure I want to go there forever. [I still believe an artist needs a little instability to flourish. How fucked up is that?] But a few sleepovers in the yellow circle would be nice. Maybe even a long weekend. And a few weeks scattered throughout the year.

This is my burden. But… it is nothing compared to the burden I must be to others when I’m having a shitty red path day. Like today. A day when whomever is unlucky enough to happen to call or write or text or talk to me becomes the unfortunate recipient of my anxiety-ridden ravings. I hate myself for burdening anyone. Which only makes my red hell-path day worse. Yeah, there’s even a snowball effect in the hell of the red path.

I’ve been concentrating on breathing slowly and deeply for several minutes every hour all day. I’m a bit dizzy and lightheaded. Perhaps I’ve gone too far. I’ve also had tears start pouring from me randomly throughout the day for no reason I can determine. I may be dehydrated. God damn red path! I wonder which path I’ll be on tonight… and tomorrow… and every other day in my future.

Maybe somewhere in there, I will find a nice circular path that’s actually just a giant donut. Then I can invite everyone to join me and share only the burden of fitting that giant donut into our tummies. With plenty of coffee. And without vomiting.


About what sandra thinks

Sandra is a writer, sometimes blogger, poet, artist, emotional disaster. She thinks far too much and sleeps far too little. Sandra lives in the Northeastern U.S. but dreams of an oceanfront home in Italy, but she would settle for a non-oceanfront home in Italy. She loves books, brutal honesty, coffee, and the color black. She hates insincerity, beer, whipped cream, and facebook. And she is uncomfortable talking about herself in the third person.
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8 Responses to the burden.

  1. izabolinha says:

    I would like you to be more often on the golden arrow path , but then selfishly think that when on the red path you write great posts like this one , and you are brave to share them with us.
    Turtle Hugs 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • I may feel negatively about myself sometimes (probably too often), but I always manage to keep my sense of humor. And I always remember that sharing everything, even the really personal stuff, may help someone who reads it… so at least something good can come from feeling so crappy! Thanks so much for reading.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. You’ve explained it so well! I’m on my own red path tonight, aided in part by a teenaged daughter who struggles with her own journey, just as so many of us did back then. I find therapy in walks outside, and I’ve been known to embrace a tree, if only to imagine gaining strength from Nature. Stay strong!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I know exactly how this feels. But at least we recognize that mood changes happen and know contrastingly what we want. It’s been very recent that I was even able to tell the difference between what I was feeling and what I wanted to feel.

    Liked by 1 person

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