can’t talk.

I really wanted to post something today but I trashed everything I wrote. It was just one of those frustrating days when none of the words seemed to come out right. And then I wrote this…


Shy and awkward
In silence by your side
I want to speak
But I am terrified
I am desperate
To speak what’s in my heart
But I’m near you
And my thoughts fall apart
I’m brave and strong
In my dreams every night
I find courage
In my head when I write
I have the words
For every emotion
For love for hate
For hope and devotion
But speaking them
Is difficult for me
I have this love
Dying to be set free
Maybe a note
A hand-written letter
To tell you how
You have made me better
I’ll find a way
Because you need to know
I adore you
You’ve changed my heart and soul


About what sandra thinks

Sandra is a writer, sometimes blogger, poet, artist, emotional disaster. She thinks far too much and sleeps far too little. Sandra lives in the Northeastern U.S. but dreams of an oceanfront home in Italy, but she would settle for a non-oceanfront home in Italy. She loves books, brutal honesty, coffee, and the color black. She hates insincerity, beer, whipped cream, and facebook. And she is uncomfortable talking about herself in the third person.
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31 Responses to can’t talk.

  1. Tiegan says:

    Wonderful. Is this from you to John? 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    • Haha. You’re funny. Oh… that wasn’t a joke, was it? But… no. (And this reminds me — I really have to finish the ‘how I met their father’ series!) In my head, this is actually a message to a person who inspired me but I’ve never been able to tell him…


  2. This is writer’s block. You’re forcing, but it’ll come. Try new music or something to jump start your mind.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Meritings says:

    The cake
    may make
    your mind
    buy some
    try some

    Liked by 1 person

  4. hubby1974 says:

    This is beautiful. So simple – hard lose concentration.!
    My wife just posted for the ‘first time’ on our blog – I am so flattered by what she shared…
    …if you leave a comment, she might be tempted to check out your blog AND that would be awesome!
    Thanks, Hubby


  5. izabolinha says:

    Like I’ve told before , if this is what you come up with , when you can’t write …;)
    And I feel like it could have been written by me as a 15-year old if I could write – then or now 😉
    Turtle Hugs 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. stephieann8 says:

    This is so beautiful!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. gigglingfattie says:

    Sandra, that was so beautiful! I’m glad you shared it with us. sometimes some pretty amazing things come out of frustration

    Liked by 1 person

  8. This is Just so perfect! I got a Screenshot of this Poem…this is so amazing!! I am adoring each word more with every read!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. BoldBeat&NipLESS says:

    My favorite days are the days that I find inspiration in my frustrations! beautiful darling!

    Liked by 1 person

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